Drug Information
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Drug Target Information
* Potent targets are defined as the targets displaying binding affinities <= 1,000 nM from the bioactivity databases, or targets recorded in the unary databases. The information comes from MICHA , which integrates the data from 6 databases: DTC , chEMBL , BindingDB , DrugBank , Guide to Pharmacology , DGIdb .
Download Drug Target InformationSynergy Map
Combination Index Table
Synergy Barometer
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- Click on a row in the bar plot to choose a particular dose combination. The barometer will be updated accordingly.
- Double click on a panel in the bar plot will sort the entire plot according to that panel.
Combination Sensitivity Table
Synergy-Sensitivity plot (SS plot)
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Note: The multi-drug surface plot will not be shown in the static report.